cultura italiana

Istituto cultura italiana NCLE

Name Istituto cultura italiana NCLE
Logo Istituto cultura italiana NCLE/Banner.jpg
Type Non profit organization
Country Georgia
City Tbilisi
Address Kostava st. 68
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Coordinates 41° 42' 49.16" N, 44° 46' 44.23" E
Foundation year 2015

Abstract[edit | edit source]

Istituto cultura italiana (NGO) is a non-profit organization operating in the linguistic and literary field, active in Tbilisi (Georgia). It has two complementary aims, that is promotion of Italian culture and language in Georgia, with an inclusive and democratic orientation, and of Georgian culture at international level and through its activities.

From the beginning of its activities the organization has combined its cultural offer with an information processing work, with a strong emphasis on media literacy and the conscious use of new technologies.

Location[edit | edit source]

The Institute is located in M. Kostava st. 68, (at public Georgian Broadcaster, III building, II floor) besides Heroes square. Here are the coordinates on the map.

CILS certificate[edit | edit source]

CILS logo

Since 2022 we entered into an agreement with University for Foreigners of Siena for the provision of CILS certificates of Italian language.

With the official CILS certificate students can:

  • comply with the requirements to obtain a residence card permit in Italy (required level, A2)
  • comply with the requirements to obtain scholarships offered by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (they require a B1 level)
  • comply with the requirements to obtain an Italian citizenship (B1 cittadinanza)
  • enroll to a University course in Italy (required level, B2)

The current price for classes is 300 GEL / month. (2 lessons per week). The fee for individual lessons is 300 GEL / month (1 lesson per week) or 500 GEL / month 2 lessons per week.

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Online degree course ICoN[edit | edit source]

Istituto cultura italiana (NGO)/Corso di laurea ICoN/Logo ICoN.png

The degree course in Italian language and culture for foreigners is a three-year course delivered online by the ICoN Consortium on behalf of member Italian universities. It has been active since 2001 and the awarded title is an Italian degree in all respects.

Enrollment opens every year in July (for the September semester) and in February (for the March semester)

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European voluntary service - European solidarity corps[edit | edit source]

Since 2016 Istituto cultura italiana joined the European voluntary service programme (EVS, following ESC) hosting European young people in Georgia since 2018 in order to foster intercultural-exchange, contributing to the renovation of democratic, educational, social and civil structures in Georgia, and to involve young people in activities useful both for the local community, and for their personal and professional growth.

Istituto cultura italiana (NGO)/Language courses/1-02-2017 2.jpg

During several projects, we have been leading an editorial board with volunteers for digital publishing, we have been organizing a language club and intercultural exchange involving the local community, organized workshops and lectures at other organizations and institutions, and carried out a daily work on media-literacy and the conscious use of new technologies.

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Gallery[edit | edit source]

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Articles[edit | edit source]


Posts[edit | edit source]

This section contains posts disseminated through social networks along the time. We don't advocate the use of social networks, therefore they are quite rare, although they reach the aim to not being too attractive, for educational (non-commercial) purposes.


Language courses[edit | edit source]

The Institute of Italian culture (NGO) provides courses of Italian language in its classrooms located in M. Kostava st. 68, (at public Georgian Broadcaster, III building, II floor), right besides Heroes square.

Istituto cultura italiana (NGO)/Language courses/20160510 161806 thumb.jpg

Courses are being held in an informal and stimulating atmosphere, with classes composed by a small number of students, every day from 16.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday, and are aimed at intercultural exchange, inclusion, and solidarity.

If you are enthusiast of Italian language and culture, and you are interested to participate in an intercultural exchange with native Italian speakers (as well as Georgian qualified teachers and interpreters) in an environment distinguished by the right balance between professionalism, and a sympathetic and friendly atmosphere, just fill-in the following form (or directly write at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Documents[edit | edit source]

Istituto cultura italiana (NGO)/Documents/Istituto cultura italiana (NGO) - brochure 2017.pdf
Brochure of the organization (2017)

Istituto cultura italiana (NGO)/Documents/Statute - site - en edited.pdf
Charter of the organization (2015)

Istituto cultura italiana (NGO)/Documents/certificate-participation-sample.pdf
certificate participation 2023

Statute[edit | edit source]



established in Tbilisi, Georgia

The current Statute has been redacted according specifically to the Chapter 2 of the Georgian Civil code (“Legal persons”) and on the basis of to the “Entrepreneurs Law of Georgia”, specifically article 5.

1. General dispositions

2. Purposes of the organization (Object of activity)

3. Founder of the organization

4. Management of the organization

5. Reorganization of the current management (management of the “governing body”)

6. Rules of membership

7. Liquidation⧸reorganization of the organization

8. Conclusive provisions

Appendix 1. “Prerogatives” and guidelines of the organization

Appendix 2. A first product and literary example of this organization

Table of contents[edit | edit source]

Table of contents

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