Cultura italiana is a project aiming to create a network and to enhance cooperation among centers of Italian culture and language at abroad. The system/platform develops around mediawiki technology and its ecosystem, for this reason we have created a completely opersource and transparent website. Once registered, the user can upload and share educational, photographic material, create events, advertise interesting readings, find opportunities, funding, create new networks and much more.
Italian Istitute in the world

Please send an email to to express your interest. Once that we have verified that you are a regular member of a registered center of Italian culture and language (either an NGO, an Academic department, or belonging to the network of "Istituti italiani di cultura") we will assign you an account and you will be able to add any content on your own.
- Borders and frontiers, the past, the present and the future: comparative history and international relations between Italy and Georgia
- Gloria Maritan - South Caucasian Women Photography-Panel
- Incontro con Irakli Avalishvili di Luca Speziale
- Leisure time of some staff members
- Meeting with Irakli Avalishvili
- Meeting with Irakli Avalishvili by Gabriele Rota
- Meeting with Lasha Kharazi
- Meeting with Paramjeet Berwal
- Meeting with mr. Francisco Capote Yeregui
- Perché dovresti fare l’esperienza dell’ESC
- Presentazione del programma ESC all'Università della Georgia
- Recensione articolo "Analysing the shadows: private tutoring as a descriptor of the Education System in Georgia"
Here are the reading suggestions from members of centers of Italian language and culture all over the world!
- Alì Ehsani - Stanotte guardiamo le stelle - by
- Viviano Domenici - A cena con i cannibali. Taccuino di un giornalista esploratore - by
- Giacomo Scotti, Mario Licciardi - Non si trova cioccolata - by
- Yambo (Enrico de’ Conti Novelli da Bertinoro) - L'allevatore di dinosauri ovvero L'uovo di pterodattilo - by
- Raymond Queneau - Fiori Blu - by
- Università degli Studi di Torino, Biblioteca storica di ateneo "Arturo Graf" - by
- La Biblioteca Digitale di Milano - by
- Accademia nazionale dei Lincei - by
- Antologia Vieusseux - by
- Progetto Pico - by
- Biblioteca digitale Luigi Chiarini - by
- Biblioteca digitale della letteratura italiana - by
- OAPEN - by
- AMS Acta - by
- Share Press - Universities Share - by
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