An open-source content does not correspond to a content on the "public domain". The latter means that the copyright rights ("diritti di autore") related to a given content are expired, the first means that the holder of the copyright rights, which by definition cannot be alienated before their legal expiration (typically 70 years after the author's death) while their use can be delegated or licensed to third parties, has published his/her copyrighted contents with terms allowing free access and possibly additional permissions.
Notwithstanding those permissions, according to the definition of The Open Source Initiative, shall include free redistribution and derived works specifically in case of software, we adhere to a more conservative definition specifically in relation to literary contents, according to which an "open-source" literary content is either a copyrighted content with free and full access, but not granting by definition other kind of permissions, or a content whose copyright rights have been expired and which then inherits the license established by the distributor of the specific edition in use.
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Unless otherwise stated all the contents here published, either in the form of contents of wiki pages, or in the form of templates, modules, semantic properties, forms, images, and whatever other content specifically aimed at the publishing within the platform Cultura italiana, or at its specific functioning, belong to their respective authors who implicitly grant to readers or visitors exclusively a free access to contents without other additional permissions, and specifically:
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