cultura italiana

Semantic forms and structured data

Semantic or structured data allow a data consumer to accurately retrieve data based on their semantic meaning. For instance, an internal search engine might serve all your pages marked as "article" to a user searching for articles created by your organization, or articles of a given author, written in a specific time frame, courses of a given languages, delivered by a specific teacher, and so forth.

In order to reach this purpose, we have created a rich set of semantic properties and forms (a form might be considered a container of a consistent set of semantic properties) which can be simply inserted in any wiki page, can be edited as a form therein, and which will transform an "anonymous" wiki page (or html page as soon as it is served) in a database of semantic contents which can be used in the most profitable ways.

For instance, if you create a wiki page describing one of your language courses for a given academic year, that information can be displayed within the main portal of this platform (or by whatever other data consumer which will query the APIs) within a list of available language courses, and to fuel interactive functions, for instance the purchase of lessons by students, a filter of available language's courses based on level and language, to put in direct communication teachers and prospective students through a chat, and more.

Here is the set of forms/templates available at present: a template is just the form by which a collection of semantic data is recorded within a wikipage, so a template is entirely sufficient for describing the data structure filled in by a given form.

Organization[edit | edit source]

This is the main form/data structure related to an organization. Some of the values foreseen by the template (like 'coordinates') will be automatically filled in by the related form, which you can find here. Managers of a given organizations can edit only the form related to their organization, once is created by an administrator following the application.

{{Form organization
|Foundation year=

Article[edit | edit source]

Related form: Article. This form is intended to create articles of a given organization or to characterize as article whatever page of it (not containing already a form).

{{Form article 

Post[edit | edit source]

Related form: Post. This form is intended to create posts of a given organization or to characterize as "post" whatever page of it (not containing already a form).

{{Form post 

News[edit | edit source]

Related form: News. This form is intended to create news of a given organization or to characterize as "news" whatever page of it (not containing already a form).

{{Form news 

Language course[edit | edit source]

Related form: Language course. The form intended to create language courses offered by a given organization or to mark whatever subpage of it as representing a language course. The "teachers" field is automatically filled in with the teachers created through the following form or indicated as such, of the organization to which the logged in user is affiliated.

{{Form language course
|Academic year=
|Dates and times=
|Contact email=
|Contact phone=

Teacher[edit | edit source]

Related form: Teacher. The form intended to indicate language teachers of a given organization. "Taught languages" and "Spoken languages" contain the languages which the teacher is able to teach, and those in which is able to communicate. (both are a multiple select items). The form is currently used by the tool classes in order to relate classes of students recorded in a private wiki, with the public course information.

|First name=
|Last name=
|Mother tongue=
|Taught languages=
|Spoken languages=
|In charge from=
|In charge to=

Meeting[edit | edit source]

Related form: Meeting. The form intended to represent meeting of various kind (for instance presentations, workshops, exhibitions, cineforum, etc.) held at a given organization. The form foresee complementary records in the organization's private wiki with information about participants, in order to let participants of meeting retrieve their basic contacts of each other, once the meeting has ended.

{{Form meeting
|Contact phone=
|Contact email=

Organization member[edit | edit source]

Related form: Organization member. The form is intended to indicate the information publicly available about members of a given organization (e.g. board members). The email (if present) is meant to be public and might be in the format <first name.last>

{{Form organization member
|First name=
|Last name=
|Affiliated from=
|Affiliated to=

Opportunity[edit | edit source]

Related form: Opportunity. This is among the form with data intended for the general audience of this platform, to be shown in the front end home page. Basically, affiliated members of any organization can insert information useful for everyone and they will be shown in the home page, and in the "advertisements" area of the page of a given organization on the front end, with a reference about the editor and the organization to which he or she is affiliated, so as (inasmuch as the related link will direct to their organization's page) to encourage the insertion of such information.

{{Form opportunity
|Target country=
|Funding information=
|Deadline as soon as possible=

Reading suggestion[edit | edit source]

Related form: Reading suggestion. As above: This is among the form with data intended for the general audience of this platform, to be shown in the front end home page and affiliated members of any organization can insert information useful for everyone and they will be shown in the home page, and in the "advertisements" area of the page of a given organization on the front end, with a reference about the editor and the organization to which he or she is affiliated, so as (inasmuch as the related link will direct to their organization's page) to encourage the insertion of such information.

{{Form reading suggestion
|Book title=
|Book author=
|Book excerpt=

Digital library[edit | edit source]

Related form: Digital library. As above: This is among the form with data intended for the general audience of this platform, to be shown in the front end home page and affiliated members of any organization can insert information useful for everyone and they will be shown in the home page, and in the "advertisements" area of the page of a given organization on the front end, with a reference about the editor and the organization to which he or she is affiliated, so as (inasmuch as the related link will direct to their organization's page) to encourage the insertion of such information.

{{Form digital library
|Headquarters country=
|Books approximate number=
|Active from=
|Active to=
|Opac url=
|Digital resource example url=

Open-source book[edit | edit source]

Related form: Opensource book. Intended for the general audience, it will create a book either with or without Multiple choice questions to be published in the section books on the front-end.

As for the other kind of data intended for the general audience, the editor of the book (which can be retrieved from those made available by the distributors of open source books on the Internet, of which we will provide a complete list as soon as possible) will be mentioned at the bottom of each book card, and typically the book is expected to represent an added value compared to the source book (for instance by adding footnotes, indeed "multiple choice questions", illustrations, or more) also if the simple inclusion of an "external" book in our platform could represent a value for the reader, because the functional navigation, and the general framework.

***Attention! By now (February 2021) the open-source book's form has been transferred on the shared private wiki to ensure an adequate protection of conditionally served contents, for instance books with reading comprehension tests, and similar uses.

{{Form opensource book
|Year of publication=