Tips & guidelines

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Once that you are provided with an account, and consequently with the privileges to edit your organization's page and sub-pages, just keep in mind the following principles and guidelines.

  • Thus Mediawiki and wiki text are not precisely user-friendly (for a legitimate reason, that is precisely to encourage the creation of quality contents) we have provided this platform with all the tools to make the creation and editing of contents as easy and profitable as possible, in such a way that supposedly any member of a center of Italian culture and language with an average IT literacy, will be able to create and edit all the required information, and to address himself or herself either to the IT department of their organization or to the editorial staff of this platform, only to enhance the general structure of their pages, or to fix some issue.

  • Privileges for editing and accessing pages throughout this platform are automatically handled. Typically, an account managed by a given center of Italian culture and language, can edit only the pages of the organization to which it is affiliated, and can create contents of public interest (like Opportunities, Reading suggestions, open source books) as long as they are being created through a form (see picture 1, which displays a list visible in the side panel once logged-in) or as long they have been created using the same account.
  • After signing up, your organization's page and sub-pages will be only accessible and editable by your staff and the administrators of Cultura italiana and they will not yet be visible to the general audience. Once that your organization's page and its related pages will reach a sufficient level of completeness, they will be "enabled" by site-administrators and from that moment you, as organization, will be fully responsible of your pages, and any page that you create/edit/delete/move (within your "domain") will be not anymore moderated in any way.
  • Any new additional page that you create is automatically set as "draft", that is, it has an unpublished state. Please check Page status & SEO to find out more about that feature: you can publish it as soon as is ready for that and even to set some meta information intended to search engines.
  • Once it has been created, the page of your organization contains a standard content model, that is a predefined set a sections (like Abstract, Location, Gallery, Courses, etc.) that you can use to organize your contents. Of course they are so just as an example, and everything can be reorganized as you think it's better. However, contents/pages created using available forms (like Post, Article, and so on – check Forms & semantic data for all available kind of contents) will be saved at a specific path, like [your organization]/Articles/[article name] and the intermediate pages (in this case the page "Articles") will be created as well if not existing, and filled-in with with an ask query to display a table of related contents. Of course this is done for convenience, but again contents created, either automatically or not, can be edited/rearranged in whatever way.
  • In a first time, please create all your organization's contents either in English or Italian, inasmuch as the contents of this platform are not only addressed to your specific audience, but to other organizations as well (or in the first place), so they can be accessible by a common language, or "lingua franca" (English for the international community, and the national language for the related community. In a second time you can create pages also in the official language of your hosting country, and the internationalization for each of them (i.e., the page's language) will be either automatically determined by our platform, or manually inserted/adjusted by you, in order to show on the front-end pages in a language fitted to visitors.
    Currently (December 2020) we have not yet implemented a method to handle internationalization of the main organization's page itself, inasmuch that should be done on the basis of specific feedback and requirements by organizations interested in that feature.
  • If you need a bit of time to get used with a Mediawiki system, just send your website (the main page and the set of sub-pages representing your organization) to the editorial staff as a collection of "Word" or, preferably, Open Office/LibreOffice documents, with placeholders for pictures (to be attached separately), tables, and other rich content within them, and the editorial staff will create all your organization's pages on your behalf. (as a courtesy).
    By doing so, just check the following organization's page as a reference of a possible "site" structure, and the set of forms to be found here in order to put together a meaningful set of data. For instance, once that you know that the form "article", is structured this way, you can just create an Open Office/LibreOffice document for each article, post, or "news", with all the required information, so that the editorial staff will not have to get back to you with further requirements. The same applies for all the forms which can be found in the same page. (to be noted that the example organization does not use yet all the available forms)

(to be continued!)