Technology we use

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Here is a list of the tools we use to make this platform work. Of course each of them depends in turn by other tools (for instance Quasar Framework depends on Vue.js, and Vue.js is in turn composed by several components), however, given a set even arbitrary of the most prominent tools we use, the reader might explore the vast areas not covered by the following table both in extension and in depth.

Currently used

software description use
Mediawiki 1.34 The collaboration and documentation platform which inspired and powers Wikipedia. We use it for the back-end side of this site, in order to ensure collaborative creation of quality contents.
Mediawiki extensions Plugins extending the set of features of Mediawiki. Some of the most prominent extensions include: Page forms, Semantic Mediawiki, Visual editor, Ms Upload, MultimediaViewer, and more: we are also using a custom extension created by us!
Quasar framework open-source Vue.js based framework for building apps We use it for all the Frontend part of the site, taking advantage of its server side rendering feature
Cheerio DOM manipulation from an html string We use it to perform some adjustments to the mediawiki html output before recording the last version of a page to be served through the APIs
Esprima ECMAScript parser We use it to securely parse the javascript object produced by the Frontend Index storing the structure of the tree
nodemw Node.js interface for the Mediawiki APIs We use it to call the mediawiki APIs from a Node.js script to retrieve and structure wiki pages before serving them through the APIs
detectlanguage Language identification JSON webservice We use it to determine the language of a wiki page, in order to filter them by language in the frontend site, or to perform hyphenation
Detecting languages (Google Cloud Translation) Language detect using Google Cloud Translation APIs As above, we use both of them concurrently
Knex Query builder for Node.js We use it to assemble mysql queries in our Node.js scripts
Email templates A wrapper for sending email using template engines (like PUG) and transports (like Nodemailer) We use it to send email using PUG templates and Node mailer-Sendgrid transport
Prism Javascript syntax highlighter We use it to display code snippets on the Frontend site
jsonwebtoken Node.js implementation of An implementation of JSON Web Tokens. We use it to signin a student accessing to Classes
fancytree Javascript library providing interactive trees based on hierarchical data structures We use it to display a structured and editable table of contents of a given set of wiki pages to be used as navigation panel in the related front-end site.
Hyphenopoly "Hyphenation for node and Polyfill for client-side hyphenation." We use it to hyphenate the organization or documentation's pages based on the detected language of each wiki page. Especially important on mobile devices combined with justified columns.
pouchdb client-side open-source JavaScript database inspired by CouchDB We use it to store all the organization or documentation's pages on the client, to minimize loading data from the server and to allow offline navigation

Previously used

software description use notes
Esprima ECMAScript parser We use it to securely parse the javascript object produced by the Frontend Index (the link might be broken) storing the structure of the tree The functioning of the the former "Frontend Index" (now renamed "Table of contents") has been reviewed. Now the tree object representing the table of contents is saved as a semantic property directly by a form, rather than by a script invoking the Mediawiki javascript api, in a process technically virtuous but not the simplest.

... and more ! The list is in progress !