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Private wiki

  • Create form "Meeting participant"

(First name, Last name, email, phone number, status (attended/invited), description (textarea) (eventually: "linked_to", with a multiple select with names of all other participants to the same meeting ... or use another hypothetical form for this) (DONE)

  • Create sidebar entries with forms: Add Language course student, Add member, Add meeting participant -- DONE using page /MediaWiki:Sidebar
  • Reorder our private wiki in order to just have (on the root level) :
    • List of language course students
    • List of members
    • List of meeting participants

and create a main page reflecting this structure with cards similar to the public mainpage DONE

  • Create a form "Newsletter", with fields: Date, audience subset/segment, message (this will be filled in by the frontend/nodejs script, but the sending could be also managed in the wiki itself) (DONE)

"message" could be split in "message text" and "message html" (the latter with template)

-- aggiungere: "subject"

  • Create a form "Newsletter stats", with fields (first name, last name, email, opens (list of dates), clicks (list of dates and url) -- data of this form will be created by a nodejs script through sendgrid (or other mail provider) hooks *** try to create automatically it, see point below ***
  • ***attention: in a further version of the system all these forms/properties/templates could be automatically created, even localized in a given language, by a server side script, in order to easily allow creation, and update, of (public/) private wiki instances
  • set a specific folder for files (named [organization]/media) Done
  • create a demo private wiki (in this case or public or with a test account with public password) for showcasing
  • form "member" (or "organization member") : add field "groups": a select with the list of existing group and the ability to create a new one.

This requires another form-template "add group", and the ability from a script in the form to create a new wiki page with that template through mw.api

  • create a form "class" to solve the problem of determining relationships (join) between courses and students from the page structure (not a good practice because the structure can change, for instance students may have multiple courses as subpages or a course may have multiple students as subpages). If we only rely on "classes", we organize things like that: personal data of students are always called as page and subpages of the form student. Then we create a class still on the private wiki with fields: course url (public information of the course: the "class" represent the set of participants of a given course), participants: followed by the list of participants, then we can have also multiple classes referring to the same course, eg. class of Monday-Wedn. and class of Tue-Thue, and even further fields...

Done -- remove the url from the form "class" and ensure the class name correspond to the course name on the public wiki (as specified in the site's row)

  • Create a namespace for the project "Culturaitaliana" or "CI" and put there all relevant pages, for instance "[organization]/Frontend Index", "Sidebar_LoggedIn", "Sidebar_SysOp", [organization]/Banner.jpg, etc. --- ok for those not belonging to an organization but in the latter case this conflicts with editing rights ...

Public wiki

  • (navigation menu) Create a page, for instance /Sidebar Left, where to list forms and templates to be displayed handled from our extension (ci_culturaitaliana_addons) (Done see below)
  • Create a series of email templates in the path /Email templates/[template title]

we could create a form as well (to let the nodejs server side script retrieve them) with fields: name, authors, description, snapshot/preview (so that templates can be listed on the frontend site) the cointainer div of the form must use an identifier known by the nodejs script to parse it

  • debug the files subfolder related functions
  • complete the pure-html forms (not PageForms) for retrieving contact information on the main page (server-side) DONE
  • change the upload folder name from "files" to "media"
  • display banner with our extenstion (DONE)
  • create both on public and private wiki a function to create subpages, ensuring that internal pages are created as well (otherwise the frontend script will not recognize them as pages)

Mediawiki fork

  • set default "leave redirect" to false (on move page)
  • set default "watch page" to false (where shown)

Frontend site

  • add ssr (server-side rendering) to organization page and redesign the navigation using router path (done)
  • create a page (with signin) to select a template, a segment/subset of recipients, enter a text message in a textarea and edit a template with ckeditor, then sending the message: all this information will be recorded in the form above "newsletters" in the private wiki

(this page should also provide a way to save contacts through csv in the form organization member of the private wiki)

  • (organization's page) create a menu for languages (as described in my communication of 3th of April) DONE, and a tab on the page header when a page is localized in multiple languages
  • create the site's home page (like scambieuropei)
  • show advertisements set by organizations, with books suggestions, digital libraries, opportunities (and other forms for general purpose) on the right panel/column through
  • (organization's page) handle selection of pages based on the router event (so the navigation menu should contain router-links) (Done)
  • mention the libraries / technologies which we are using, eg. nodejs, vuejs, mediawiki, knex, lodash, quasar framework, esprima, htmlparser2, cheerio, semantic mediawiki, language detect, jsonwebtoken, mediasoup, nodemailer, email templates (and other relevant mediawiki plugins)
  • add library to detect main language of a given page ***we could use the following (even for topic categorization of contents) *** no, we are using "" and google, see frontend script (nodejs)
  • complete page with api calls examples
  • post frontend/server scripts to a github public repository ? (see rather the following)
  • create an api interface for some common operations, like to retrieve pages with a given form, and providing some "join" (by this way it's not necessary to publish on github the frontend-server side script)

Site structure

  • home page (fare alla fine sulla base di tutto il materiale e le funzioni da rappresentare)
  • page: organizations: aggiungere icona "exit" sulla toolbar che rimanda alla home page; verificare se le pagine possono essere visualizzate sulla base di temi, ad es. handlebars (v. "ghost"), anche se poi si va ad utilizzare uno solo per tutte le organizzazioni-- per omogeneità
  • page: newsletters:
    • signin con credenziali wiki privato (in questo caso deve essere inserito anche l'username della organizzazione) oppure pubblico
    • view a: lista delle newsletter già inviate
    • view b: lista dei membri (audience) della organizzazione (recuperati dal wiki privato), aggiungi membro (vai a view b-a) oppure aggiungi lista (csv-comma separated values)
    • view b-a: modifica membro (form "clone" di quella sul wiki privato)
    • view c: lista dei gruppi (aggiungi, rinomina, cancella, come in "assigni")
    • view c-a: modifica gruppo (aggiungi, rimuovi contatti, sulla base dell'elenco completo dei membri)
    • view d: creazione newsletter: aggiungi uno o più gruppi (incluso "tutti i membri"), aggiungi singoli contatti; oggetto; casella di testo; pulsanti: plain test / rich text / html template (ckeditor); pulsante invio
    • una volta inviata la newsletter viene salvata nel sito wiki privato, form newsletter
  • page: classes/[nome classe] (Done)
    • overview (pubblico: informazioni sul corso, sulla base della form language_courses), campo per inserire email e pulsante sign in (se l'email appartiene ad uno degli studenti registrati nel corso (form language course student), invia un codice a questa email oppure chiede di scegliere una password (Done, with reference to "classes")
    • pagina privata dello studente (l'url è la stessa) visualizza la pagina dello studente creata nel wiki privato, inoltre: informazioni sugli altri partecipanti del corso; interfaccia per la lezione in videoconferenza (Done, videoconferencing to be completed)
  • funzioni da aggiungere alla pagina "organizations/[nome organizzazione]"
    • paying content: alcuni contenuti possono essere fruibili a pagamento e quindi registrati nel wiki privato; modalità di fruizione: si acquista una combinazione fra numero di parole e tempo speso nella lettura (da valutare meglio), es. 10 000 parole a 5 euro, non relativo ad uno contenuto, bensì a contenuti della intera biblioteca; implementare pwa (progressive web application) in modo da rendere i contenuti fruibili anche online ; implementare una sorta di lettura "paragrafo per paragrafo", con statistiche inviate all'autore, etc.
  • sulla barra destra, in tutte queste pagine, vengono sempre visualizzati gli annunci pubblicitari, opportunità, digital libraries, reading suggestions, etc.
  • prendere in esame tutte le form e valutare come il sito front end può essere arricchito sulla base di esse

  • Riorganizzazione della pagina della organizzazione:
    • url: (organizzazione username)

(lo username viene assegnato al momento dell'iscrizione)

    • (attuale sito frontend della organizzazione, con tutte le pagine del wiki pubblico)
    • (signin amministratori)
    • (signin studente)
    • altre pagine che non rientrano nella tipologia di articolo ma che offrono funzionalità (es. "questionari")

No, usare al momento il seguente:

  • (username wiki privato)
  • (username wiki privato)

organizzazione di "classes":

  • scheda studente wiki privato, eventualmente con sottopagine (Done)
  • class: videoconferenza con tutti gli altri studenti, e chat

Web server

  • Review the directory structure, for instance
    •[organization name]/ -> front end site (vuejs)
    • -> public wiki (without language code) (php)
    •[organization name]/wiki -> public wiki site (php)
    •[other pages] -> -> front end site (vuejs)
    • name]/wiki -> private wiki site (php)

(n) this folder structure implies that an organization cannot have name "wiki" (ok) but also that "wiki" cannot be the title of a page/article of an organization (not ok) a solution could be: (public wiki) or (private wiki) (the latest "Istituto_cultura_italiana_(NGO)" being a username while the first a page name) so that whatever folder not starting with wiki/ or private-wiki/ will be redirected to the frontend through a proxy

use the library if necessary


  • Export all members of our organization in our private wiki (form member) (through a script)
  • (Export all communication with more than 1 recipient to the private wiki: this will require a further form, and is related to another phase of the project, regarding dissemination of literary works using a web app allowing to read them offline but at the same time tracking reading information etc..)


  • fix issue with image folder on private wiki (SOLVED)
  • il select al seguente indirizzo non funziona in modo appropriato

Near-future development

  • The data related to meetings and meetings participant might make use of "facial recognition" in order to help to locate participants in the photographic album related to the meeting