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Typically our projects are composed by media-literacy activities, focusing on themes proposed by the partner organizations and fitted on the interests of volunteers, and by inter-cultural activities, with attention for writing of articles, reports, interviews, workshops held at other institutions, language exchange clubs, and if possible, cineforum or theatre's events. Here is a brief summary of activities organized until now!

European Identity between Italy and Georgia (part I)

Media-literacy activities

  • WordPress & Elemento Pro: we have created a test site for the Institute exploring all relevant features of Wordpress (like appearance customization, menus, pages language, etc.) and page's design using Elementor's page builder.

"handmade" sticky navbar, diagonal bands and page effects created with Elementor's Page Builder

Specifically we have explored all built-in widgets of Elementor, and we have added custom javascript to the Ocean-wp theme (one of the themes suitable to Elementor) in order to display a sticky header on top with a dynamic shadow. – basically we have used a jQuery function to change the class name of the top panel on scroll, as below

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

	$(window).scroll(function() {     
    	var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();

    	if (scroll > 0) {

    	} else {



– we have also learned how to create pages and elements templates, in order to "assemble" Wordpress pages using Elementor from a set a predefined and customized elements ("templates", indeed)

  • we have added a word cloud data visualization widget based on d3.js and we have customized it on the basis of the d3.js APIs in order to allow mouse over on single tags, their animation and functioning as links. See here for an example.
  • we have created a simple script using Python and RAKE, activated through wordpress ("save_post" action) in order to automatically generate a set of tags from a given article and to load them directly in the wordpress database, using wordpress's "wp_set_post_tags" function. The rake script creates a list of words' score from a given content and it's based on this example.
  • we have created a nuxt.js mirror website of that wordpress test site, at this address, with a more interactive and dynamic interface than wordpress can offer. Nuxt.js is a framework based on Vue.js, a Javascript framework for creating user interfaces / front-end sites, and it's able to create static pages from a vue.js page.

In this case we have started from this template, and we have connected it to our Wordpress using REST APIs. We have customized the template in order to display a left navigation panel, as shown below

Istituto cultura italiana (NGO)/European solidarity corps/IT activities/Screenshot from 2020-12-20 11-57-17.jpg

Furthermore, we have added a button to the wordpress administration panel, in order to activate the nuxt's static pages generator, because each wordpress post has to be statically saved within nuxt itself in order to be served by that.

This work, of which the most technical parts have been done by team members of our organization, and volunteers have participated by a non-formal learning approach, on the basis of their interest, has been the requisite for the subsequent mobility and even for the subsequent project, because during the subsequent mobility, volunteers have further filled-in the site with contents, and done some slight changes, and during the subsequent project, learning from the experience of Nuxt.js (and also Wordpress) we have completely revised our tools, and we have shifted to an integration between Quasar framework, and Mediawiki ...

Intercultural activities

  • We have arranged interviews with the following local actors:
    • Lasha Kharazi ()
    • Paramjeet Berwal ()
    • Michele R. ()
    • Tinatin Tsagareishvili ()
    • Irakli Availishvili ()
    • Francisco Capote Yeregui ()
    • Andrea Chmielinski Bigazzi and Don Giuseppe Pellizari ()

for all of them (except that held with Andrea and Don Giuseppe, upon request of Andrea) we have written a report been on the basis of the meeting's minutes

  • we have prepared and held the workshop with title "Borders and frontiers, the past, the present and the future: comparative history and international relations between Italy and Georgia", at:
    • Ilia University, 18th December 2018
    • Sokhumi State University, 21th December 2018
    • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 13th March 2019
  • we have written the following articles
    • Leisure time ...
    • "Analysing the shadows: private tutoring as a descriptor of the Education System in Georgia" (review)

European Identity between Italy and Georgia (part II)

European-Bridge 2019-2020

The project has focused on