Edit News: Istituto cultura italiana NCLE/News/2018/30 November

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This form is intended to create news of a given organization or to characterize as "news" whatever page of it (not containing already a form).

Once the key-data are created, as usual you might insert further data not foreseen by the form using the buttons "Edit" or "Edit source" in the top panel.

The form will be created in the current page (2018/30 November). If you want to create the form in a new page, go here.

Author first and last name (it might also be an organization role, like "Board member of ..." or "Editorial staff of ...")
Day, month and year are required (since they will be used to create the page title). To create a news without a day create an empty page with an arbitrary title under /News and then add to it this form.
Enter a summary of this news
(Optionally), enter or more tags relevant to this news: they might be used to insert it under one or more corresponding categories.